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Published on
September 16, 2024
In February 2021, The United States Cannabis Council launched with Grasslands as its agency of record and strategic communications partner. The USCC’s goals were clear: To end federal cannabis prohibition, and to create an equitable, values-driven cannabis industry.In February 2021, The United States Cannabis Council launched with Grasslands as its agency of record and strategic communications partner. The USCC’s goals were clear: To end federal cannabis prohibition, and to create an equitable, values-driven cannabis industry.


Dozens of the world's largest cannabis companies and several prominent organizations have joined forces to end cannabis prohibition.

On February 8th 2021 the United States cannabis council launched with grasslands as its agency of record and strategic communications partner and me Julie Diddle as the lead senior publicist with veteran civil rights leader Stephen Hawkins at its home.

The organization's goals are simple to end federal cannabis prohibition and to create an equitable values driven cannabis industry with social financial and environmental benefits shared by all as an indigenous owned agency. Grasslands firmly supports these goals.

After developing foundational messaging and a robust national launch strategy, grasslands focused on driving US CCS primary narratives to the organization's most urgent stakeholders.

Using our signature proactive storytelling tactics, we leveraged a busy news cycle to connect US CCS mission to the hypocrisy of the biden firings.

The unprecedented industry challenge of Delta eight THC and the olympics. Abhorrent suspension of Shakeri Richardson U. S.

Olympic track star Shakeri Richardson suspended for a month after testing positive for marijuana.

The world anti doping authority, the US anti doping authority.

Their view on cannabis is moralistic, it's anachronistic and it needs to change this earned momentum was the fuel behind grasslands strategy, driving repeat interview requests, op ed opportunities and live hits that engendered real trust and familiarity between Mr Hawkins and top tier media and between US CC and its potential members in the U. S.

Cannabis industry. What they need is to be able to get business loans from banks and to be able to engage And the opportunity to grow their businesses in an industry that was going to do $24 billion us CC had become the go to source for reporters covering cannabis reform grasslands focus on the beltway media core was steady and unrelenting grasslands leveraged the early momentum to position US C. C.

As the most qualified voice to discuss the meaningful federal legislation ahead.

As the Safe Banking Act moved from the House to the Senate and later on as senator schumer Booker and Wyden introduced the cannabis administration and opportunity Act, reporters covering the hill turned to U. S. C. C.
To capture the industry's perspective. The Safe Banking act through the House yesterday, huge bipartisan support.
The legalization of cannabis will create jobs.

Only five months after the organization's launch, US CC had become the go to source for media serving each of the council's target audiences, including the D. C.

Press corps, national reporters and trade publications, It is about the future and the future in a state that has legalized cannabis is that no one is going to be subject to criminal prosecution.

And while cannabis remains federally illegal, US Sisi is committed to changing that and grasslands will continue positioning the organization at the forefront of the national legalization conversation.
