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Cannabis Marketing

How Cannabis Marketing Strategies Can Target Investors

July 2, 2024

The hype and speculation that prompted investors to create the Green Rush of a few years back is now a quaint memory, and attracting investment as a cannabis business is as difficult as figuring out evolving regulations for delta-8 THC and business licensing. 

The industry’s volatility—and post-pandemic maturation—is keeping potential investors from digging into their pockets and really understanding the growth potential of this industry, and that will most likely continue until transparency increases and investors can determine the true value of cannabis businesses. As Dotan Y. Melech, CEO of cannabis credit rating agency CTrust, recently told Fast Company: “The reality is that current lending practices are unlikely to change without better understanding cannabis risk.”

So what are cannabis companies to do when they need an influx of capital to get them over that next hurdle and keep their growth plans on track? An optimized cannabis marketing strategy is the perfect place to start. It can enhance your brand visibility with customers and also draw the attention of potential investors.

Why Marketing Matters

Marketing isn’t just about advertising your products or services—it’s about building a compelling brand story that resonates with your target audience. Investors are looking for companies that show a strong promise of growth and sustainability. And a brand is more than just a logo or a tagline: It’s the essence of the business and what it stands for. 

A well-defined brand identity sets a business apart from competitors and creates a memorable impression for investors. Ask yourself what makes your cannabis business unique and find that critical white space where the brand can shine without competition. Is it your innovative products? The vast and varied experience of your team? Your commitment to sustainability and a healthy company culture? 

Kickstart Your Marketing

Once you’ve laid the foundation of what differentiates your brand, it’s time to share that story. The most useful tool for broadcasting your brand voice is content. In the digital age, you can’t make solid connections without content. A well thought-out marketing strategy with content like blogs, videos, testimonials and media thought leadership establishes your company and its executives as leaders in the industry. 

To attract those potential cannabis investors, your content needs to be visible. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. Optimize your website and blog posts for relevant keywords and longtail keyword phrases. 

In the context of this particular blog, that includes phrases such as “attracting cannabis investors,” “cannabis marketing” and “cannabis marketing tools.” For a cultivation business in a new market like Minnesota, investor-minded keywords might look like “top Minnesota cannabis growers,” “Minnesota cannabis cultivation” or “Minnesota marijuana investment.” 

This will help your content rank higher in search engine results, driving more organic traffic to your site. Share all of your content on social media—along with industry news—to build trust with both your audience and potential investors, all while showcasing your brand.

Your Success Stories Matter

Investors want to see proven success, and case studies are an ideal tool to do just that. Take the time to detail any significant milestones like YoY sales figures, market expansion or product launches that demonstrate a track record of success. 

Work with customers or clients to get supportive reviews that solidify your success to include in the case study. Keep it simple and to the point.

Network at Industry Events

Attending and speaking at industry events are additional ways to gain visibility and credibility in cannabis. Conventions, conferences, expos and other networking events like networking happy hours provide opportunities to connect with potential investors face-to-face. 

Have that compelling elevator pitch ready and highlight your business’s strengths and growth potential. Building personal relationships can often be more impactful and fruitful in the long run than digital interactions alone.

Implement Email Marketing Campaigns

Speaking of digital interactions, don’t forget email marketing—when done properly, it’s an effective way to keep your audience engaged and informed. Regular newsletters with industry insights, company updates and promotional offers / discounts can keep your brand top-of-mind for investors and prove that you are committed to your customers. Use segmented email campaigns to share success stories and upcoming opportunities while creating a sense of urgency and excitement around your business.

Partner With Influencers

When chosen wisely, marketing with the right influencer can amplify your reach. Partner with credible influencers who have a significant following in the cannabis community and who espouse the mission and values of your brand. Their endorsement can introduce your brand to a wider audience and boost its legitimacy. 

Use Data Analytics to Refine Your Strategy

Data goes hand in hand with your foundational content strategy. Use analytics tools to track the performance of your marketing efforts, understand what’s working and what’s not, and adjust your strategy accordingly. Metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement and email open rates provide key insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

Remember that attracting cannabis investors requires a multifaceted approach. By crafting a unique brand identity, developing a comprehensive marketing strategy, leveraging SEO in your content and tracking your efforts, you can enhance your visibility and attract more cannabis investors. 

If you’re ready to take your cannabis business to the next level, Grasslands is here to help. To learn more about our agency’s proven process and marketing services, contact us anytime.