Story behind the story: That time I interviewed Willie Nelson on his tour bus
By Ricardo Baca, Grasslands
In October 2016, my producer and I set off to San Diego, Calif., with one goal in mind: To capture the most complete history on record of Willie Nelson and his famed relationship with cannabis and hemp.The result of that trip: This fun and expansive interview with Willie, including a short video of he and I talking on his tour bus, the Honeysuckle Rose.The prep for that interview was daunting. As some of you know, I was the music critic for The Denver Post for more than a dozen years, but in that time I never secured facetime with the red-headed stranger. So as I began to cull questions for my time with Willie -- some of which were crowd-sourced via friends on social media -- I had to make a decision.Was I staying true to my mission and only asking him about marijuana, even though Willie is one of America's most important songwriting treasures? Or would I cave and throw a couple music questions in there?I'll always remember the look on Willie's face when I started the interview by telling him I wasn't going to ask him about his music. I could tell he thought it was a bold decision, but his alert eyes also seemed to encourage my prying questions about his personal cannabis history.
Read the full story, and watch the video, at The Cannabist.
Ricardo Baca is a 20-year veteran journalist and cannabis futurist, widely respected in both modern media and drug-policy circles. He was appointed The Denver Post’s first-ever cannabis editor in 2013 and founded news vertical The Cannabist, where he extensively covered the advent of the U.S. adult-use cannabis market and related issues around the world, as seen in the feature documentary Rolling Papers.
Ricardo launched Grasslands: A Journalism-Minded Agency® in 2016 to work directly with business leaders in highly regulated industries, from cannabis and psychedelics to spirits and healthcare. In 2023, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis appointed Ricardo to the state’s first-ever Natural Medicine Advisory Board to contribute to policy development around the state’s eventual psychedelics framework.
Named one of Fortune’s 7 Most Powerful People in America’s Marijuana Industry in 2016 and Marketer of the Year by AdCann in 2019, has received numerous accolades for his trailblazing work. In addition to his previous journalistic coverage of drug policy, cannabis business and culture, Ricardo continues to host panel discussions at events nationwide and contribute columns for a number of top publications including Rolling Stone. He is also a sought-after thought leader in media, cultural events and podcasts, and has spoken on The Colbert Report, NPR’s All Things Considered, TEDxBoulder, TEDxMarin and multiple years at SXSW.
Three media outlets I check every single day: The Denver Post, Vox, The New York Times
Super inspired by: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
My monthly #GrasslandsGives donation: The Marshall Project
When I’m off the clock (in five words): Travel. Design. Writing. Feminist. ENFP.